# Whoami


Richard Nixon, born on January 9, 1990 in Manaus, capital of Amazonas, northern Brazil.

My career as a computerist began at 15, after taking a hardware technician course, I used to offer free maintenance services to relatives and friends. With a lot of sacrifice and thanks to my mother at 16, I had my first computer, and it was without a doubt something that changed my life, in those days of dial-up internet I already took my first steps in cyber security and I also did things that I’m not proud of, screwing friends’ computer or anyone who bothered me. At that time it was all a joke, I didn’t take any of it seriously, it was a hobby.

At the age of 18, I started my bachelor’s degree in computer science, and I got my first job in the emergency system in my city, where I performed many roles, some of which were in the criminal statistics sector and later as a support technician.

At 21 I joined the police career, which made absolutely no sense at that time, but the financial part was the main reason, after 2 years I managed to return to the same emergency center where I had previously worked, if I were to continue as a police officer I would at least was working as a technician. I always knew that a police career was temporary for me, even though I learned to enjoy it.

In 2014, Brazil hosted the FIFA World Cup, it was the first major event that I had the opportunity to be the technical leader during the installation of control and monitoring systems.

In 2016 I received an invitation to join a mission-critical security operation for the International Olympic Committee (IOC) during the Olympic Games, combining my experience with technology I specialized in background check as my role involved processing more than 1.5 million Olympic credentials. All this work in partnership with police officers from all over Brazil and international agencies, guarantees the safety of the big event.

Between 2017 and 2021 I was part of the central agency intelligence of the Ministry of Justice, where I was able to collaborate in improving internal systems, design tools to combat organized crime, physical security, counterintelligence, forensic and investigation services.

Since 2022 I have worked as an IT specialist manager, in an Irish company based in Cork.